Pneumonia | Paarthiv Lung Care Centre Dr Nagaraj Tue, 28 Jan 2025 06:57:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pneumonia | Paarthiv Lung Care Centre 32 32 Symptoms, Causes and Prevention of Pneumonia Tue, 28 Jan 2025 06:47:26 +0000

An infection in your lungs due to bacteria, fungi or viruses is known as pneumonia. This
condition causes the swelling or inflammation of the lung tissue, leading to the accumulation of
fluid or pus in your lungs. Bacterial pneumonia is more severe than viral pneumonia, as the
latter heals on its own. Pneumonia has the potential to affect either one or both of your lungs. A
condition where both the lungs are damaged in pneumonia is called bilateral or double

Know the Difference Between Viral and Bacterial Pneumonia:
Different root causes indicate different symptoms of pneumonia. For example, viral pneumonia
has different symptoms as compared to bacterial pneumonia. It is also important to note that
bacterial pneumonia is more severe and common than viral pneumonia and may need a
hospital stay. Most healthcare providers prescribe antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia. On the
other hand, viral pneumonia has symptoms similar to flu and resolves on its own without specific

The Different Types of Pneumonia:
Pneumonia can be categorized by the pathogen (bacteria, fungi, or virus) causing it and the
place (hospital, community, and ventilator) you acquired.

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP):
When you acquire pneumonia outside the healthcare facility, it is known as community-acquired
pneumonia. The causes consist of Bacteria, Viruses , Fungi (molds) and Protozoa

Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP):
You may also contract pneumonia while you're in a healthcare facility or hospital for a different
illness or procedure. In comparison, HAP is more severe than community-acquired pneumonia
because of its causes, which include antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Hospital-acquired pneumonia can make you sicker and be difficult to treat.

Healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP):
You can get HCAP in a long-term healthcare facility like a hospital, nursing home, or outpatient extended-stay clinic. Similar to hospital-acquired pneumonia, this is also caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP):
If there is a need for you to be on a respirator or breathing machine to assist you in breathing in
the hospital or an ICU, you may be prone to ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). This type
of pneumonia shares the same bacteria as the community-acquired pneumonia, as well as the
hospital-acquired pneumonia, which is drug-resistant.

Aspiration pneumonia:
This occurs when solid food, liquids, spit or vomit go down your windpipe (also known as
trachea) and into your lungs. If you are unable to cough these up, your lungs can get infected
and get aspiration pneumonia.

The Difference Between Pneumonia and Common Cold/Flu:
While the common cold and flu are not life-threatening, pneumonia is. Therefore, it is extremely
important to know the difference between the two. The common symptoms of pneumonia could
● Congestion or chest pain
● Difficulty in breathing
● High temperature or fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit or 38.88 degrees Celsius or
● Coughing up yellow, green or bloody mucus or spit.
Risk of Developing Pneumonia:
You have a greater chance of getting pneumonia if you
● Are older than 65 or younger than 2.
● Have a lung or heart condition, such as cystic fibrosis, asthma, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, or sarcoidosis.
● Suffer from a neurological condition that makes swallowing difficult, like dementia,
Parkinson’s disease, or after a stroke, which can lead to aspiration pneumonia.
● Are hospitalized or residing in a long-term care facility.
● Smoke.
● Are pregnant.
● Have a compromised immune system, which can occur if you are undergoing
chemotherapy, have received an organ transplant, are living with HIV/AIDS, or are
taking immune-suppressing medications.

Diagnosis and Tests for Pneumonia:
Diagnosis of pneumonia usually starts with a healthcare provider taking your medical history
and doing a physical exam. They’ll listen to your lungs for any unusual sounds. A chest X-ray is
often done to look for areas of infection. Blood tests, like a complete blood count, can show
signs of infection, and if you have a cough, a sputum culture can help identify the bacteria or
virus causing the issue. Additional tests may include checking your oxygen levels with pulse
oximetry, and in some cases, a CT scan or bronchoscopy might be needed for a closer look.
These methods help ensure an accurate diagnosis and guide treatment.
Talk to your healthcare provider today if you or your loved one is experiencing the symptoms of Pneumonia.



Pneumonia – What is it? Sat, 29 Jun 2024 05:52:18 +0000

A bacterial, viral, or fungal infection causes inflammation and fluid in your lungs, which is known as pneumonia. It makes breathing difficult and can lead to a fever and a cough with yellow, green, or red mucus. Pneumonia is commonly caused by influenza, COVID-19, and pneumococcal illness. 

Bacterial pneumonia is typically more serious than viral pneumonia, which commonly resolves on its own. Pneumonia can infect one or both lungs. Bilateral or double pneumonia occurs when you have pneumonia in both lungs.

Bacterial pneumonia is more common and more severe than viral pneumonia. It is more likely that you will need to stay in the hospital. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial pneumonia. Viral pneumonia causes flu-like symptoms and tends to resolve on its own. Viral pneumonia typically does not require particular treatment.

Types of Pneumonia:

  • Community Acquired Pneumonia: Community-acquired pneumonia is defined as pneumonia contracted outside of a healthcare setting. Some causes of Community Acquired Pneumonia include, Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and Protozoa.
  • Hospital Acquired Pneumonia: Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) can occur when you are in a hospital or healthcare facility for another sickness or operation. HAP is generally more serious than community-acquired pneumonia because it is frequently caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This means that HAP can worsen your condition and make it more difficult to treat.
  • Healthcare Associated Pneumonia: Healthcare Associated Pneumonia can be acquired while in a long-term care institution or an outpatient, extended-stay clinic. It is typically caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, similar to hospital-acquired pneumonia.
  • Ventilator Associated Pneumonia: If you need a respirator or a breathing machine to breathe while in the hospital, you are at risk for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia is caused by the same bacteria that cause community-acquired pneumonia, as well as the drug-resistant bacteria that cause hospital-acquired pneumonia. 
  • Aspiration Pneumonia: Aspiration occurs when solid food, liquids, spit, or vomit enter the lungs via the trachea (windpipe). If you can’t cough them up, your lungs could become infected.

Symptoms of Pneumonia:

It might be difficult to distinguish between the symptoms of a cold, the flu, and pneumonia. Because pneumonia can be life-threatening, it is critical to get medical assistance for serious symptoms that may be indicative of pneumonia, such as:

– Congestion or chest discomfort.
– Having difficulty breathing.
– Fever of at least 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.88 degrees Celsius).
– Coughing up yellow, green, or red mucus or spit. 

Pneumonia itself is not infectious, but the bacteria and viruses that cause it are. For example, while the flu is contagious and can lead to pneumonia, the majority of people who contract the flu do not develop pneumonia. Streptococcus pneumoniae, the most common cause of pneumonia, can spread from person to person by touching infected surfaces or coughing and sneezing. Fungal pneumonia is not communicable. In contrast to viruses and bacteria, fungal diseases do not transmit from person to person. 

While pneumonia can have symptoms similar to a cold or the flu, severe symptoms such as a high fever, trouble breathing, and colored mucus suggest that medical assistance is required. Early diagnosis and treatment are critical because bacterial pneumonia is more deadly and may necessitate hospitalization and antibiotics, whereas viral pneumonia typically cures on its own. Remember that pneumonia is not contagious, but the germs that cause it can be. If you see any alarming signs, get medical attention.
